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Thursday, February 14, 2008


I'm finally adding some pictures from when we got our dossier "state certified".

We're paper-pregnant! This is the day we got our I-171H

Outside the State Capitol before getting dossier state certified.

Nic outside State Capitol.

Sitting in the Secretary of state office after getting dossier State Certified.

Since I was already on here adding pictures I wanted to go ahead and put a couple of pictures of my niece Kate on here from when she stayed with me.

This was Kate's first Sleepover with us.

This was the mess Kate made after her nap. She pulled all the stuff out of my gift wrap drawer.


Liz Waters said...

Congrats on your progress!!! This blog is a great idea!

Rebekah said...

I love that you have taken pictures of every step! That will be so special to have.