I know it's shocking and hard to believe but I am actually updating my blog. My new goal is to try to do this more often but we will see how that works. Things are absolutely crazy for us right now and the only reason I am getting the chance to update this is because I am totally procrastinating. We are moving in a week and a half and I'm supposed to be packing but I am hitting a wall so I thought I would take a break. For those of you who don't know we sold our house in 3-1/2 weeks which was a bit of a surprise and now we don't know where we are going! We had planned to build and were about to sign the contract but we felt the Lord was telling us that wasn't His plan for us so now we are just moving into a townhome for 6 months. We are praying for the Lord to direct us where he wants us. At this point we are not sure if we are supposed to stay here in Columbus or move out of state. If we are supposed to move out of state we aren't sure where yet. Hopefully God will fill us in soon:) Rather than rushing into buying a new home here we thought we would just take a break and find out what we are supposed to do so this should be an interesting 6 months.
It's hard to believe but my little Blake just turned 6 months old! He is such a blessing and a joy. He really is a happy and joyful baby and laughs and giggles so much. He is rolling over both ways and can sort of sit up on his own...he leans over so much to put his toes in his mouth that he looks kind of funny doing it. He's just getting so big that it makes me sad but it's fun to watch him grow and learn new things. Alexa loves her baby brother and is sometimes a little possessive over him. She is such a great helper and always bringing me diapers and wipes but sometimes she wants to act like she's a baby too and get in his seat and exersaucer and wants me to "feed her like a baby". I can't believe she is 3-1/2 and talking so much. Some of the things she comes up with are just too funny! We really have to be careful of what we say around her because she hears and repeats everything!
I really am going to try to be better about posting. In the next few weeks I'm going to try to catch up and post some old pictures of when Blake was born. Please don't mind my Christmas background...it may be awhile before I have time to change that:)
Thanks for the new post! I'm loving the pictures of your kids and really want you to stick with the new goal of more blogging:)
Can't wait for you all to move to FL! They are building a spec home next door to our new house just for you and it should be ready when you move out of your townhouse;) So amazing to see Blake's hemangioma g.o.n.e! Glad to see an update!
Hi Guys,
Love, love, love the pics of the kiddos. Blake is huge now! Um, okay we vote you move to Nebraska. I know Nebraska-- but we're here...including Haven. I bet Alexa and Haven could really stir up some trouble at this point. Can you imagine how much jibber jabber there would be with both of them in the same room.
We're thinking of maybe vacationing up and down Michigan's W. coast next year. If you're still anywhere near, let's try and get together. This is your warning. LOL!
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